Dailys – AI News Project

About the project:

The “Dailys” art-project is a combination of automated web scraping, AI text analysis, and generative AI art. Daily, news content is automatically collected from www.orf.at. Following this, a specialized AI utilizes this data to create a summary of the most important events. Based on this summary, the AI analyzes the prevailing mood of the news to construct a “mood picture of the day.” Based on this mood picture, the AI finally designs a visual artwork that captures the essential atmosphere of the day and presents it in the style of a famous artist. “Dailys” thus builds a bridge between current news and artistic interpretation by reinterpreting and visualizing world events through the lens of Artificial Intelligence.

A bit of technical background on the Dailys by Ghost:

The entire project was implemented in Python. Using Playwright, it accesses the website orf.at, after which the system collects all the headlines and packages them into a summary, which is then sent to the OpenAI API. There, the information is transformed into a prompt through several instruction steps (which I am still fine-tuning).

Originally, I wanted to use the image AI Dall-E, but words like “war and conflict” (which unfortunately often appear in news) usually led to a violation of the terms of service. I didn’t want to use Stable Diffusion because the quality of the images didn’t impress me. Therefore, I opted for Midjourney, which doesn’t have an API and technically doesn’t allow bots (I hope they forgive my daily bot calls ^^). Since Midjourney operates only via Discord, a bot is again activated through Discord’s web version, which then controls Midjourney and generates the image. The prompt is augmented with a random artist’s name pulled from a database. A random number generator selects one of the four image suggestions to download.

Afterwards, the image data is stored in a MySQL database, and the image is uploaded to a server via FTP. From there, a PHP script retrieves the data and assembles the final webpage.

Web: http://dailys-nft.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dailys_nft/ 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DailysNFTs

Dailys Overview: https://dailys.the-pannonians.com/
Dailys-Screen-View: https://dailys.the-pannonians.com/daily.php