HanZzzel Brings His Grave Goods to Katrin Bernhardt’s The Last Shirt Has No Pockets

In November, HanZzzel and his wife Diana participated in The Last Shirt Has No Pockets, an interactive art experience by renowned Austrian artist and writer Katrin Bernhardt. Known for her impact on both the Austrian and international art scenes, Katrin is not only a celebrated creator but also a close friend of the couple, along with her husband, Mike. “This has been an amazing experience,” HanZzzel reflected, as he continued to unravel the thought-provoking impact of the installation.

The project invited participants to bring objects they would choose as grave goods—items they’d want to accompany them in death. These personal selections were arranged in a stylized “burial pit,” surrouning the outlines of the participants’ bodies in their chosen postures. The outlines, evocative of crime scene markers, highlighted the deliberate artificiality of the work, acknowledging its postmodern origins rather than striving for historical reconstruction.

“This is a true dialogue between identity, materiality, and memory,” said HanZzzel. “When you start considering which things you would bring to your own funeral, you reflect on your life and your true persona in ways you never have before.”

Each arrangement was documented, with photographs printed and added to the exhibition. As new participants join, the gallery evolves into a growing archive of personal narratives, each installation offering a window into its creator’s individuality, values, and imagination.

Walking through the exhibition felt like traversing a patchwork of human stories. “The experience not only engaged us as participants but also deepened our connection to the creative vision of our dear friend,” HanZzzel shared.

Read more: https://katrinbernhardt.com/
